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website traffic google analytics

website traffic google analytics

How to Use Google Analytics to Monitor Website Traffic (2025)

Are you curious about how to use Google Analytics to monitor website traffic? You may see a variety of information about your website traffic, including how people found you, how long they spent on your site, and which pages they viewed, if you use Google Analytics.

Knowing how your website was discovered by your audience—through social media, Google search, or another source—allows you to make strategic choices that will increase your traffic google analytics

Why Track Website Traffic with Google Analytics?

Being able to track the origins of your website traffic has several advantages for marketers and business owners. You should track your traffic for the following traffic google analytics

Gain More Knowledge About Your Visitors You may better understand your unique visitors and their usage patterns, send them messages that are specifically targeted at them, and enhance your search engine optimization tactics by tracking the sources of your traffic in Google Analytics.

Evaluate Your Advertising Initiatives – You can assess a campaign’s efficacy if it is designed to increase website traffic or encourage users to take actions (referred to as conversions).

Concentrate on Channels for Best Results: You can increase the amount of attention you devote to the channel that brought in the most visits to your website by determining which one did so. website traffic google analytics

Find New Content Topics: Individuals from various channels may have interest in particular topics. Therefore, you can find ideas for new content by looking at the sources of your traffic and the engagement rate of each page. You can then use the traffic data to conduct keyword research. website traffic google analytics

Find Traffic Gaps on Your Website: You can determine which channel isn’t drawing in enough visitors and then improve it.

How to Track Website Traffic in WordPress

Google Analytics is intimidating for many people. Installing code is necessary for setting it up on WordPress, which scares a lot of people.

In addition, setting up the necessary tracking, locating the appropriate reports within the Google Analytics dashboard, and obtaining the traffic statistics required for decision-making will require you to be an analytics specialist.

Using MonsterInsights is a far simpler method to install Google Analytics, configure the necessary monitoring tools, and view your traffic sources, page views, and other engagement data in WordPress.

The greatest WordPress plugin for Google Analytics is called MonsterInsights, and it really simplifies the use of Analytics. You don’t need to be concerned about employing an analytics or developer. website traffic google analytics


With the plugin, you can set up advanced tracking, add Google Analytics to your website fast and easily without having to touch any code, and view the most relevant reports directly from within your WordPress dashboard.

website traffic google analytics

If you’re just getting started, you can also use the free Lite version of MonsterInsights, even though a license will provide you access to more tracking capabilities and reports. You can examine the source of your website’s traffic once you’ve installed MonsterInsights.

To learn how to set up Monster

Insights in detail, see How to Add Google Analytics to WordPress the Correct Way.

Executive Summary
Go to Insights » Reports » Overview to get started. This section contains a report on your website’s overall performance as well as an overview of traffic.

In the Overview report, you can also view the Top 10 Countries that your users are from. Using this report, you can create campaigns, messages, and content according to different regions.

website traffic google analytics

You can also view the Top 10 Referrals report next to the nations. This displays the websites, including social media networks, that drive the most traffic to your website. With these websites, you can establish relationships and keep increasing your visitors.

website traffic google analytics

Are you curious about how to view pageviews in Google Analytics? In the Overview report, your most popular pages and posts are located at the bottom.

website traffic google analytics

Source/Medium-Sized Report

What specific source is generating your traffic? The channels that are driving traffic to your website can be seen when you use the Source/Medium report included in MonsterInsights Plus or above. Additionally, each channel’s income, conversion rate, and engaged sessions are displayed.

website traffic google analytics

Report from Search Console
You should be aware of the terms your website is ranking for if it receives any organic traffic. You can check it out with the Search Console Report available with MonsterInsights Plus and above.

Along with clicks, impressions, CTR (click-through rate), and average position (keyword ranking), it displays the top 50 Google search terms for your website.

eCommerce Report

Do you own an online store and would like to know what your customers are doing? If so, you can benefit from the MonsterInsights eCommerce report.





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