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JNTUK MBA R20, R19, R16, R13 Syllabus Books PDF Download

JNTUK MBA 1st Sem, 2nd Sem, 3rd Sem, 4th Sem Syllabus Books PDF Download for R20, R19, R16, R13 Regulations :  The higher officials of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada are planning the conduct the MBA R20, R19, R16, R13 Exam soon for I Semester, II Semester, III semester, IV Semesters. We advise all the students to look into this article for the JNTU Kakinada MBA Syllabus Books for R20, R19, R16, R13 details. We have observed that a more number of students are surfing various websites on the internet for JNTUK MBA R20, R19, R16, R13 Syllabus Books. To help those aspirants, we have provided this web page with complete information regarding the JNTU Kakinada MBA Syllabus Books PDF.

In the below paras, we have also given complete data on JNTUK R20 MBA Syllabus, JNTUK R19 MBA Syllabus, JNTUK R16 MBA Syllabus, JNTUK R13 MBA Syllabus, JNTUK MBA Syllabus PDF Download. Students can check from the official website @ But few times while downloading from the official website, error may occur. To reduce these problems, we have provided the direct links of the MBA Syllabus Books which was gathered from the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada portal.

JNTUK MBA Syllabus Books Pdf Download

JNTU Kakinada MBA Syllabus R20, R19, R16, R13 Regulations
Name of the UniversityJawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada
Course NameMBA
RegulationsR20, R19, R16, R13
CategoryJNTUK Syllabus
Official Site📌

Here, in this article, students can get the semester wise JNTUK MBA 1st Sem Syllabus PDF, JNTUK MBA 2nd Sem Syllabus PDF, JNTUK MBA 3rd Sem Syllabus PDF, JNTUK MBA 4th Sem Syllabus PDF Download at the below of this web page. Students can download the JNTUK MBA 1st, 2nd year R20, R19, R16, R13 Syllabus in PDF format from the below direct links. Aspirants can start preparing for the MBA for R20, R19, R16, R13 regulations. Hence, Students can also obtain detailed information on JNTU Kakinada MBA R20, R19, R16, R13 Syllabus books.

JNTU Kakinada MBA R20, R19, R16, R13 Syllabus books

JNTU Kakinada MBA 4-2 R20, R19, R16, R13 Syllabus books help students to know the topics that are given in the MBA 1st, 2nd year Exam. This JNTUK Syllabus MBA R20, R19, R16, R13 Books can be used as a guide for planning.

Download JNTUK MBA R20, R19, R16, R13 Syllabus PDF

Students preparing for the I, II, III, IV semesters can go through this article for the JNTUK MBA 1st, 2nd year Syllabus. In the following below table, JNTU BTech Results Team have furnished the direct links to download the JNTUK R20, R19, R16, R13 Syllabus Books Pdf. Students can download the JNTUK MBA Syllabus PDF For 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Sem for free of cost.

JNTUK MBA R20 Syllabus & Course Structure I-IV Semesters

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MBA R20 Pharmaceutical Management Course Structure & Syllabus

JNTUK MBA R19 Syllabus PDF

JNTUK R19 MBA 1st Sem Syllabus
JNTUK R19 MBA 2nd Sem Syllabus
JNTUK R19 MBA 3rd Sem Syllabus
JNTUK R19 MBA 4th Sem Syllabus
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JNTUK Integrated MBA R19 Syllabus

JNTUK MBA R16 Syllabus PDF

JNTUK R16 MBA 1st Sem Syllabus
JNTUK R16 MBA 2nd Sem Syllabus
JNTUK R16 MBA 3rd Sem Syllabus
JNTUK R16 MBA 4th Sem Syllabus
JNTUK R16 Integrated MBA III Sem Syllabus

JNTUK MBA R13 Syllabus PDF

JNTUK R13 MBA 1st Sem Syllabus
JNTUK R13 MBA 2nd Sem Syllabus
JNTUK R13 MBA 2nd Sem Syllabus
JNTUK R13 MBA 2nd Sem Syllabus MBA 1st, 2nd year Syllabus Books – FAQ’s

Q1. Where Can I Download JNTUK MBA Syllabus Books ?

Ans: Students can download the JNTUK MBA First Semester Syllabus, JNTUK MBA Second Sem Syllabus, JNTUK MBA Third Sem Syllabus, JNTUK MBA forth Sem Syllabus, at @

Q2. Can I download JNTUK R20, R19, R16, R13 Syllabus Books from this article ?

Ans : Yes, students can download JNTUK R20, R19, R16, R13 Syllabus from this page.

Q3. Where can I download the JNTU Kakinada MBA Syllabus PDF from this webpage ?

Ans: Yes, candidates can download JNTUK Syllabus MBA R20, R19, R16, R13 PDF from this page.


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