JNTUK 1-1 Results 2023

JNTUK 1-1 Result 2023 | JNTU Kakinada B.Tech, B.Pharmacy 1st year Results @ jntukresults.edu.in

JNTUK 1-1 Result 2023 | JNTU Kakinada B.Tech, B.Pharmacy 1st year Results @ jntukresults.edu.in

JNTUK 1-1 Results 2023 Date | JNTU Kakinada B.Tech, B.Pharmacy, M.Tech, M.Pharmacy, MCA, MBA 1st year Result @ www.jntuk.edu.in : Are you a student of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada waiting eagerly for your JNTU Kakinada B.Tech, B.Pharm, M.Tech, MCA, MBA 1-1 Results R20, R19, R16, R13, R10 regulations ?. If yes, then this article is for you. Here we will discuss everything you need to know about JNTUK 1-1 Sem Regular/ Supply results, including how to check them, important dates, and frequently asked questions.

JNTUK 1-1 Sem & 1st year Results R20, R19, R16, R13, R10 2023

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada is a premier university in India that offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in engineering, pharmacy, and management. The university conducts semester exams twice a year, and the results are published on the official website. In this article, we will discuss the JNTUK R20, R19, R16, R13, R10 1-1 Results 2023. JNTU Kakinada 1st year 1st Sem Results refer to the examination results of the first semester, first year, of the various courses offered by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada. These courses include B.Tech, B.Pharmacy, M.Tech, M.Pharmacy, MBA, and MCA.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological university, Kakinada Every Year Conducting the Regular & Supplementary Exams for B.Tech / M.Tech/ B.Pharmacy / M.Pharmacy / MBA / MCA 1-1 Semester. Most of the students are get on confused to search the JNTUK B.Tech & B.Pharm 1st Year (R20, R19, R16, R13, R10) 1-1 sem Regular/Supply Results in Online. So, For Candidates can Easily Propose, we composed this web page To download the JNTUK Result Fast updates and Get the JNTUK all Results at one place. Here we are furnishing the JNTUK Results R20, R19, R16, R13, R10 Regular/Supply examinations.

JNTUK B.Tech 1-1 Sem Results R20, R19, R16, R13 2023

All the Candidates, those who have presented for JNTUK 1-1 Exams 2023 are here by informed that, the Manabadi JNTUK result 1-1 R20, R19, R16, R13 Regulations are going to be released soon. Hence all the aspirants can keep checking the official website, jntukresults.edu.in regularly.

JNTU Kakinada I B.Tech I Semester R20, R19, R16, R13 Regular/Supply Examination Results Feb 2023 are announced

JNTUK 1-1 Sem (R20) Regular/Supply Result Feb 2023 – Released

JNTUK 1-1 Sem (R19) Supply Result Feb 2023 – Released

JNTUK 1-1 Sem (R16) Supply Result Feb 2023 – Released

JNTUK 1-1 Sem (R13) Supply Result Feb 2023 – Released

JNTUK 1-1 Sem Regular/ Supply Results Release Date

The JNTUK R20, R19, R16, R13, R10 1-1 Results are usually announced within one or two months after the completion of the exams. The following table provides the tentative dates for the release of JNTUK 1st year 1st Semester results for the academic year 2023-2024.

Event Tentative Date
Commencement of Exams March 2023
End of Exams April 2023
Announcement of Results June 2023

Note: These dates are tentative and subject to change. Students are advised to visit the official website for the JNTUK latest updates.

Details Mentioned in JNTUK Results 1-1 R20, R19, R16, R13, R10 2023

Manabadi JNTUK 1-1 Sem results contain the following details:

  • Name of the student
  • Hall ticket number
  • Course and semester
  • Subject-wise marks
  • Total marks
  • Percentage
  • Result (Pass/Fail)

How to Check JNTUK R20, R19, R16, R13, R10 1-1 Results  2023

Checking JNTUK 1-1 result is an easy process. You just need to follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the official website of JNTUK (https://jntukresults.edu.in).
  2. Click on the “Results” tab on the homepage.
  3. Select your course and semester (1-1) from the dropdown menu.
  4. Enter your hall ticket number and click on the “Submit” button.
  5. Your result will be displayed on the screen.
  6. Download and take a printout of the result for future reference.

JNTUK results.edu.in R20, R19, R16, R13, R10 –  FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding JNTUK 1-1 results:

Q1. When will the Manabadi JNTUK 1-1 results be release date ?

Ans. The tentative date for the announcement of JNTUK 1-1 result for the academic year 2023-2024.

Q2. How can I check my JNTU Kakinada 1-1 results ?

Ans. You can check your JNTU Kakinada 1-1 Sem results R20, R19, R16, R13, R10 by visiting the official website (https://jntukresults.edu.in) and entering your hall ticket number.

Q3. What are the details mentioned in JNTUK results R20, R19, R16, R13, R10 ?

Ans. JNTUK 1st year results R20, R19, R16, R13, R10 contain details such as name of the student, hall ticket number, course and semester, subject-wise marks, total marks, percentage, and result (Pass/Fail).

Q4. What should I do if I fail in JNTUK 1-1 exams ?

Ans. If you fail in JNTUK 1-1 exams, you can apply for revaluation or supplementary exams.

Q5. When will the revaluation and supplementary exams for JNTUK 1-1 be conducted?

Ans. The dates for revaluation and supplementary exams for JNTUK 1-1 may vary from year to year. Students are advised to check the official website of JNTUK for the latest updates regarding the same. Typically, these exams are conducted a few weeks after the announcement of the regular exam results.

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