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JNTU Kakinada Results 2023 | JNTUK B.Tech, B.Pharm, MCA, MBA, M.Tech, M.Pharmacy Result @

JNTUK Results 2023 R20, R19, R16, R13, R10 – | JNTU Kakinada UG, PG Exam Result : For Students who participated in the JNTUK Regular & Supplementary Examinations for B.Tech / M.Tech / B.Pharmacy / M.Pharmacy / MBA / MCA  1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 3-2, 4-1 & 4-2 Semesters Exam 2023 have to check the Manabadi JNTUK Result 2023, the officials have finally announced the JNTU Kakinada B.Tech / M.Tech / MCA /MBA Results 2023 on the official site. The JNTUK 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 3-2, 4-1 & 4-2 Result 2023 is released only by the officials. The Jawaharlal Nehru Technological university Kakinada officials released the JNTU Kakinada 1st 2nd 3rd 4th year Result 2023. For more details regarding JNTUK Fast Results, Students are proposed to go through this article till the end.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada (JNTUK) is one of the most prestigious universities in India. Every year, thousands of students enroll in the various undergraduate and postgraduate programs offered by the university. One of the most important events in the academic calendar of JNTU Kakinada is the announcement of JNTUK Regular/Supply Results. In this article, we will take a closer look at JNTUK R20, R19, R16, R13, R10 results, how they are declared, and what students should do once the results are out.

JNTUK B.Tech Results For All Regulations

JNTUK Results Download LinkRelease Date
JNTUK B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R19,R16,R13) Revaluation/Recounting Results April 202327 June 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 4-1 Sem (R19,R16,R13) Revaluation Results March 202313 June 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 1-1 Sem (R20,R19,R16,R13) Revaluation Results Feb 202312 June 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R19,R16,R13) Regular/Supply Results April 202303 June 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 1-2 Sem Revaluation Results Jan 202321 May 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 2-1 Sem (R20,R19,R16,R13) Revaluation Results Jan 202318 May 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 1-1 Sem (R20,R19,R16,R13) Regular/Supply Results Feb 202315 May 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 4-1 Sem (R19,R16,R13) Advanced Supply Results March 202315 May 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 2-2 Sem (R20,R19,R16,R13) Revaluation Results Jan 202328 April 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 4-1 Results R19, R16, R13, R10 – All Results at One Place18 April 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 1-2 Sem (R20,R19,R16,R13) Supply Results Jan/Feb 202317 April 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 Sem (R20,R19,R16,R13) Revaluation Results Jan 202317 April 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 2-1 Sem (R20,R19,R16,R13) Regular/Supply Results Jan 202315 April 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 1-2 Results R20, R19, R16, R13 – All Results at One Place13 April 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 2-2 Sem (R20,R19,R16,R13) Supply Results Jan 202324 March 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 Sem (R20,R19,R16,R13) Regular/Supply Results Jan 202324 March 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 2-2 Results R20, R19, R16, R13 – All Results at One Place13 March 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 2-1 Results R20, R19, R16, R13, R10 – All Results at One Place14 March 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 Results R20, R19, R16, R13 – All Results at One Place13 Feb 2023
JNTUK B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R19,R16,R13) Advanced Supply Results July 2023 –
JNTUK B.Tech 1-1 Sem (R20,R19,R16,R13) Supply Results July 2023 –

Introduction to JNTUK Latest Results 2023

JNTUK latest results are the outcome of the various exams that are conducted by the university throughout the academic year. These exams are conducted to assess the knowledge and skills of the students who have enrolled in the different programs offered by the university. The JNTUK RC/RV results are declared in the form of scorecards that contain the marks obtained by the students in each of the subjects they have appeared for.

Types of MANABADI JNTUK Results

There are different types of JNTU Kakinada B.Tech R20, R19, R16, R13, R10 Results that are declared throughout the academic year. Some of these include:

JNTUK Regular/Supplementary Results

JNTU Kakinada Regular results are declared for students who have completed all the exams for a particular semester without any backlogs. On the other hand, JNTUK supply results are declared for students who have failed in one or more subjects and have to appear for supplementary exams to clear them.

JNTUK Revaluation Results

If a student is not satisfied with the marks obtained in a particular subject, they can apply for revaluation of their answer script. The JNTUK revaluation result are declared after the revaluation process is completed.

JNTUK Challenge Valuation Results

If a student is still not satisfied with the marks obtained after the revaluation, they can apply for challenge valuation. In this process, the answer script is evaluated by a different examiner, and the results are declared based on the marks obtained in the challenge valuation.

How to Check JNTUK Results 2023

JNTUK results are usually declared on the official website of the university. Students can follow these steps to check their results:

  1. Visit the official website of JNTUK i.e.
  2. Click on the “Results” tab
  3. Select the type of result you want to check (Regular/Supplementary, Revaluation, or Challenge Valuation)
  4. Enter your roll number and other required details
  5. Click on the “Submit” button
  6. Your result will be displayed on the screen

What to Do After Checking JNTUK Results 2023

Once the JNTUK results are declared, students should take the following steps:

JNTU Kakinada Regular/Supplementary Results

If the student has passed in all the subjects, they can proceed to the next semester. If the student has failed in one or more subjects, they have to appear for supplementary exams to clear them. The timetable for the supplementary exams will be declared by the university. JNTUK 1-1 Sem Regular/Supply Results, JNTUK 1-2 Sem Regular/Supply Results, JNTUK 2-1 Sem Regular/Supply Results, JNTUK 2-2 Sem Regular/Supply Results,JNTUK 3-1 Sem Regular/Supply Results, JNTUK 3-2 Sem Regular/Supply Results, JNTUK 4-1 Sem Regular/Supply Results, JNTUK 4-2 Sem Regular/Supply Results,

JNTU Kakinada Revaluation Results 2023

If the student has obtained higher marks in the revaluation, the university will issue a new scorecard with the revised marks. The student can use this scorecard for further studies or for job applications.

JNTU Kakinada Challenge Valuation Results

If the student has obtained higher marks in the challenge valuation, the university will issue a new scorecard with the revised marks. The student can use this scorecard for further studies or for job applications.

Tips to Prepare for JNTUK Exams

Here are some tips that can help students prepare for JNTUK exams:

  1. Understand the syllabus and exam pattern thoroughly
  2. Create a study plan and stick to it
  3. Take regular breaks to avoid burnout
  4. Solve previous year question papers to get an idea of the exam pattern and the type of questions that are asked
  5. Practice time management while answering the exam

JNTUK BTech Results furnishes you Latest JNTUK Fast Updates of JNTUK B.Tech/M.Tech/ B.Pharmacy/MCA/MBA R20, R19, R16, R13 & R10 Regulations Results in single click. The JNTUK 1-1 results, JNTUK 1-2 results, JNTUK 2-1 results, JNTUK 2-2 results, JNTUK 3-1 results, JNTUK 3-2 results, JNTUK 4-1 results, JNTUK 4-2 results are given in a single page.

JNTUK B.Tech/ B.Pharmacy/ MBA/ MCA Results 2023

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada (JNTUK) is a prestigious university in Andhra Pradesh, India. Every year, thousands of students from across the state appear for the JNTUK exams to pursue their B.Tech, B.Pharmacy, MBA, and MCA degrees. The university conducts exams twice a year, and the results for these exams are eagerly awaited by the students. JNTUK conducts exams for various courses, including B.Tech, B.Pharmacy, MBA, and MCA. The exams are held in two semesters every year. The first semester exams are conducted in November and December, while the second semester exams are held in April and May. The exams are conducted across different centers in the state. The JNTUK results for B.Tech, B.Pharmacy, MBA, and MCA are announced on the official website of the university.

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